Picasso: The Last Year
(1881-1973) remains—by far—the most prolific artist in the history of art. He was working up until three hours before his death in 1972. During the last two decades of his long career, Picasso produced more work than at any other time of his life. Some works from this period are not only dated by month and day, but with a numeral (I, II, III, etc.) indicating multiple works created in a single day. Always a superstitious man, Picasso truly believed that if he kept working, his life would be prolonged.
His late period tends to be overlooked, but contains some of the finest of Picasso's paintings. Some critics maintain that Picasso was creatively lazy at this point, but a close look at the work suggests quite the opposite. He had achieved a level of effortless artistic expression that has still not been fully appreciated. Moreover, his influence continues to be felt to this day—and will undoubtedly reach into the future. He changed the way we see!
“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.” - Pablo Picasso
You can read about the great modern master elsewhere on What About Art? and there are numerous websites dedicated to research into his art. Just Google “Picasso” and you’ll see…
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